1938 Germany invades Austria.
1938 Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, now a subsidiary of I.G. Farben, begins manufacture of LSD / Lysergic acid.
Canned soda introduced
Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act certifies 19 dyes for use in foods.
German chemist Schrader discovers Sarin, 10 times more lethal than Tabun, which is later dumped into planetary water supplies to placate the population.
Reich Air Ministry is shipped 500 tons of tetra-ethyl lead gas additive from Standard Oil of New Jersey (EthylStandard) in the United States, through I.G. Farben, with payment secured through Brown Brothers Harriman on Sept 21, 1938.
The idea of "booster shots" arose as a "solution" to poor antibody response in infants and newborns. These become customary in the 1940's.
Ugo Cerletti becomes the first to use electroconvulsive treatment in fascist Italy. The first victim was a 39 year old engineer who was found wandering on trains without a ticket. Present at this event was Lothar Kalinowsky, who would become a member of the American Psychiatric Association and an avid promoter of electroshock in the United States.
Waffles introduced
1939 - 1941 World War II
1939 Germany invades western Poland. Russia invades eastern Poland. Both Germany and Russia commit atrocities and mass murder.
1939 Health Practitioners Law (Heilpraktikergesetz) is put into practice in Germany. Allowed psychotherapists to advance their professional claims within the field of health and medicine during the Third Reich. The law ended the 'freedom to cure' that had existed in Germany since 1870. The 'freedom to cure' which had given personal and professional access to all aspects of healing, current and future, instead of the narrowly defined parameters which exist today. In future, the government would supervise all training of medical personnel, including officially approved health practitioners.
1939 Psychiatrists in Brandenburg Germany begin operation of gas chambers to kill mental patients.
Dr.Emanuel Josephson reveals AMA coverup of Vitamin E benefits.
Dr.Weston Price, a research dentist, publishes "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration- A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects", which argued that refined foods and sugar causes physical degeneration and disease as opposed to natural unrefined foods.
Nazi holocaust murders Jews and other minorities
1940 Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of England
American intake of petroleum-based food colorings/additives increases ten-fold.
Soviet concentration camps maintained by fluoride administration to inmates to decrease resistance to authority and induce physical deteriorization.
1941 - 1945 World War II
1941 AMA "approves" I.G. Farben subsidiary "sulfathiazole", a short acting oral and topical antimicrobial sulfa drug.
Among the American corporations supporting Germany were Sterling Drug (Bayer).
M & Ms & Cheerios introduced
Roosevelt's Infamy Speech Dec. 8, 1941
The Atlantic Charter Aug. 14, 1941
The Declaration of War on Germany Dec. 11, 1941
The Declaration of War on Japan Dec. 8, 1941
Third Inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1941
Corn dogs introduced
Epidemic of typhus in Egypt and North Africa 1942 into 1943.
Germany becomes world's largest producer of aluminum
I.G. Farben known to be operating using slave labor from Nazi camps.
G. Ann Webber Miller born on November 01, 1943
1943 American vaccine researcher Pearl Kendrick reports that adding a metallic salt seemed to heighten the capacity of the Pertussis vaccine to produce anti-bodies. Pearl Kendrick is the researcher that urged that Pertussis vaccine be combined with Diptheria vaccine. Later the Tetanus vaccine was added, producing the DPT Vaccine.
1943 General vaccine program against influenza begins in the US.
1943 Infantile paralysis epidemic kills 1200 and cripples more in US.
1943 Researchers from the US Public Health Service examine the health of residents of Bartlett, Texas to see if the 8ppm fluoride in the drinking water was affecting their health. It was checked again in 1953. They find that the death rate in Bartlett was three times higher than a neighboring town which contained 0.4 ppm fluoride.
Chicago-style pizza introduced
Child psychologist LeoKanner observes a new illness appearing in US children. The problem became known as "autism".
Dr. John Tinterta rediscovers the vital importance of the endocrine system, and connects sugar use to production of hyper-adrenocortic episodes in humans intolerent to sugar. This is where adrenal hormones are suppressed, producing inability to think clearly, allergies, inability to handle alcohol, depression, apprehension, craving for sweets and low blood pressure.
Penicillin "successfully used in the treatment of chronic diseases".
The Journal of the American Medical Association on September 18, 1943, states, "fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanism of such actions are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluoro- silicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as a fertilizer. That process alone releases approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine into the atmosphere annually."
1944 The American Cancer Society (ACS) is reorganized, chiefly under the wing of Albert Lasker (an advertising tycoon) and Elmer Bobst (president of two drug companies, Hoffman LaRoche and Warner Lambert). Mary Lasker in New York was the driving force of the ACS for decades. The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, which is based on the Lasker advertising fortune, provides the impetus to dominate cancer research.
Asperger in Vienna describes the first cases of adult "autism" to appear.
1945 - 1949 Chinese Civil War
Dr. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, former member of the faculty at Harvard Medical School, sentenced to life in prison at Nuremberg for his role at Buchenwald.
Due to the severity of the war crimes committed by IG Farben during World War II, after the war it was split into several smaller companies which then recombined themselves into Agfa, BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst - with several convicted war criminals running those companies.
Fourth Inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1945
Japan surrenders twice, followed by US bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki and a third and final unconditional surrender September 2, 1945.
Postwar nitrate supplies designated to be added to food chain as fertilizer.
The German Surrender Documents of World War II May 8, 1945
The Japanese Surrender Documents of World War II Sept. 12, 1945
1946 - 1954 First Indochina War
1947 - 1949 First Kashmir War between India and Pakistan
Betty Crocker's cake mix introduced
The Truman Doctrine Mar. 12, 1947
1948 - 1949 First Arab-Israeli War
1948 Gandhi is assassinated
Frozen french fries & ready-to-spread frostings introduced
The North Atlantic Treaty Apr. 4, 1949
1949 Mao Tse Tung declares the Communist People's Republic of China
Inauguration of President Harry S. Truman 1949
Instant pudding & seedless watermelon introduced
1950 - 1953 Korean War (UN-led coalition Vs. North Korea)
Frozen pizza & American Tex-Mex introduced
Start of Chinese Communist attack on Buddhism
1952 Elizabeth II becomes Queen of England
AAA distributes 40 million state, regional, and city maps to its members in 1952
Diet soda & Duncan Hines cake mixes introduced
Formation of World Fellowship of Buddhists
First Inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953
TV Dinners introduced
Ranch dressing & Broasted chicken introduced
1956 Suez Crisis (Second Arab-Israeli War)
Interstate Highway Act of 1956 funds a new era of highway construction
Second Inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower 1957
Tang & Pam introduced
Rice-A-Roni & instant ramen noodles introduced
Brown rice in USA introduced
Inauguration of President John F. Kennedy 1961
1962 - 1963 Sino-Indian War
Instant mashed potatoes introduced
1963 Ngo Dinh Diem, leader of South Vietnam, is assassinated
Martin Luther King Jr's I Have A Dream Speech Aug. 28, 1963
President Kennedy is assassinated
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War between US-led coalition including government of South Vietnam and coalition including Viet Cong and North Vietnam
Buffalo Wings & Pop Tarts & fast food chicken sandwiches introduced
1965 Second Kashmir War (Second Indo-Pakistani War)
Gatorade & Slurpees introduced
Inauguration of President Lyndon B. Johnson 1965
State Department White Paper on Vietnam Feb. 27, 1965
G. Ann Webber Miller married Jack Miller on June 02, 1966
1967 Six-Day War (Third Arab-Israeli War)
High fructose corn syrup introduced
Treaty on the Non
1969 Football War between Honduras and El Salvador.
1969 Ho Chi Minh dies in Hanoi
First Inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon 1969
Her daughter, Jill Deann Miller Worley, born on May 07, 1970
1971 Bangladesh War of Independence (Third Indo-Pakistani War)
More than 250 million road maps printed for just the oil companies to distribute in 1972
1973 Yom Kippur War (Fourth Arab-Israeli War)
Arab oil embargo of 1973 tightens profits for oil companies and free road maps become less available
Second Inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon 1973
The War Powers Resolution Nov. 7, 1973
1974 - 1991 Ethiopian Civil War
AAA distributes 180 million maps in 1974
Self-service gas stations begin appearing in 1974 and by 1984 replace most full service tations and eliminates free road maps
1975 - 1991 Lebanese Civil War
1975 Margaret Thatcher becomes British Prime Minister
Inauguration of President Jimmy Carter 1977
Pope John Paul
1979 - 1989 Soviet-Afghan War
1980 - 1988 Iran-Iraq War
First Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan 1981
Yukon gold potatoes introduced
1982 Falklands War between United Kingdom and Argentina
Second Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan 1985
1989 - 1990 Operation Just Cause, United States invades Panama
Inauguration of President George H. W. Bush 1989
1991 - 1995 Croatian War of Independence
1991 Gulf War between Iraq and UN-led coalition
1991 Slovene War of Independence
The Civil Rights Act of 1991
1992 - 1995 Bosnian Civil War
First Inauguration of President William J. Clinton 1993
1994 - 1996 First Chechen War
Second Inauguration of President William J. Clinton 1997
1998 - 1999 Kosovo War (NATO Vs. Yugoslavia)
Grape tomatoes introduced
1999 Second Chechen War
2001 Invasion of Afghanistan
Address of President Bush on the start of strikes against Al Qaeda and the Taliban October 7, 2001
First Inauguration of President George W. Bush 2001
Terrorist Bombing of the World Trade Towers in NYC September 11, 2001
2003 Invasion of Iraq
Second Inauguration of President George W. Bush 2005
Her father, Paul Alfred Webber, died on November 14, 2007
Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama 2009