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Henry Realous Blaylock

Born: June 07, 1861

Birthplace: Cocke County, Tennessee

Died: June 09, 1923

Location: Reyno, Randolph County, Arkansas

Buried at: Johnston Cemetery, Reyno, Randolph County, Arkansas

Age: 62   Sex: Male

Called: Henry R. Blaylock

Father: Merritt Blaylock

Mother: Martha Ream Swarengin Blaylock

Spouse: Nancy E. White Blaylock

Married: August 21, 1881

at: Carroll County, Tennessee

Spouse 2: Lucy A. Woods Blaylock

Married: September 26, 1882

at: Carroll County, Tennessee


Henry Otis Blaylock

Grover Thomas Blaylock

Charlie Blaylock

Rose Blaylock

Lucy Blaylock

Spouse 3: Ethel Reeves Blaylock

Married: , 1895

Spouse 4: Allie Price Blaylock

Married: , 1900

Spouse 5: Ida Lee Lane Blaylock

Married: December 11, 1904

at: Randolph County, Arkansas


Everett Lee Blaylock

Raymond Johnson Blaylock

Richard Harry Blaylock b1912 d2000

William Donald Blaylock

Myrtle Marie Blaylock

Wilta Marteen Blaylock

Kenneth Louis Blaylock

Resided at:

Cocke County, Tennessee

Carroll County, Tennessee

Dunklin County, Missouri

Clay County, Arkansas

Reyno, Arkansas

The children of Henry Blaylock
Photo showing several of the children of Henry Blaylock at a reunion in the 1980's. John is kneeling in front and standing left to right are Raymond, Marie, Harry, Marteen, Don, Kenneth, and Lee.

Henry Blaylock and his sons
Henry Blaylock shown here with four of his sons. (Can you identify them for us? If we can go by size and assuming no gaps in their ages, they may be L to R - Raymond, Lee, Don in front, Henry, and Harry.)
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