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Updated GEDCOM Database
The GEDCOM database used in the separate FTaN GEDCOM Database pages see the link at the bottom of mo ... MORE

The Passing of Marie Baxter
Marie Attebery Baxter, 96, of Granville, Illinois, passed away early in the morning of October 7, 20 ... MORE

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The Family Then and Now website seeks to provide historical information about and links between various family members. Each page presents an individual's personal history data with photographs, stories, and the historical, geographical, and cultural context of their life.

The scope of coverage now going back along several family lines for over 1500 years is centered upon the families and ancestors of the editor (Roger Baxter) and his wife (Janice Moore Baxter).

Among many other family names this currently includes members of: Adams, Attebery, Barlow, Baxter, Bippus, Blaylock, Boyd, Brown, Claypool, Dement, Edwards, Fischel, Fishel, Gass, Haden, Harbison, Hocking, Hoeszel, Husser, Jacke, Kick, Lindenmann, Lingle, Lough, Madden, Merrell, Moore, Nading, Norris, Patterson, Pearson, Robertson, Smith, Urban, Voltz, and Westerman familes. As time is available and interested parties desire it, the scope will be gradually expanded.

If you would like to contribute information or photographs for this collection, or offer corrections to the information displayed here, you may contact the editor.

For more information about this website and its plans for future expansion see About Us.

A proud group of Hocking family farmers c.1925 standing in their mid-summer cotton field in Clay County, Arkansas. This group includes three Nading sisters.LEARN MORE

On Oct 13 in Family History:

In 1879 Robert Carroll Hocking married Elizabeth McKibben Hocking.

In 1879 Robert Carroll Hocking married Elizabeth McKibben.

In 1897 Ralph Gould died.

In 1902 Jesse Erwin Baxter died.

In 1912 John Faunzie Baxter married Katie Jane Adams Long Baxter.

In 1912 Kate Jane Adams Long Baxter married John F. Baxter.

In 1933 Paul Edward Moore married Mamie Orene McGraw Moore.

In 1933 Mamie Orene McGraw Moore married Paul Edward Moore.

In 1935 Cona Wilma Baxter Blaylock married Richard Harry Blaylock, Sr..

In 1935 Richard Harry Blaylock married Cona Wilma Baxter Blaylock.

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To learn more about our family story
you can read these FREE online PDF booklets
The Paths Traveled Before Us
Or now the newest family history booklet
The Memorable Life of Matthaeus Noeding
The First in the Nading Family Line in America

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